Saturday, June 30, 2012

Manaraka Falls- INDIA

In a country that holds a special place in our hearts, this gorgeous 580m waterfall is easily New Zealand's most spectacular waterfall and makes our list. Given its remote location deep in the wild and beautiful Fordland National Park (also a World Heritage Area), it's one of many highlights of the Milford Track - said to be one of the finest walks in the world.

Plunging 580m in three distinct vertical leaps, it is amongst the tallest waterfalls in the world. There's a memorable story about how this waterfall got named, which you can read more about in this book .

This waterfall also vies with Browne Falls as well as Bluff Falls for the title of tallest waterfall in New Zealand. Depending on your definition of a waterfall, some people (such as the authors of the World Waterfall Database) would say that both Browne and Bluff trumps Sutherland in height. Either way, there's no denying that it's Sutherland that's the most spectacular as it has the steepest slope and the most satisfying shape.

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